
I am Yuvraj

A passionate Android Developer , Develop complex scalabe apps and Always excited to design new faces of apps with full of creativity and experiments.

What i do?

I have a great experience in designing and building real life problem solving software from diffrent programming language and frameworks, I have a sharp knowledge of DSA while practicing it in parallel with development Intrested to become full-stack android developer so currently i am mastering my software development to create some more awesome products for my clients. some of my projects and achivements are listed below.


Hi there I'm Yuvraj!

Strong hands on my programming and development of Applications and Always Ready to learn and explore while actively seeking for new opportunities. Every day i learn something new from my mistakes which also help me to be motivated through out my development journy.


Bachelor of Technology - BTech, Information Technology

School: Vishwa Bharti Public School Noida - PCM with Computer Science


Machine learning, Mixed Reality, Android Development


Phone: 8368278705


English | Hindi


These are my some skills that i have learned throughout my progrmming journy! and currently exploring in more new development tools.


Android Development

One of my fastest development tools for building market-leading apps that has been powered by google.


Flutter Development

Flutter, powered by Google, rapidly builds market-leading, natively compiled apps for mobile, web, and desktop with a single codebase.


Data Structure

Having a good knowlage of DSA and still learning while i have solved over 300+ question in diffrent platform.

Web Development

Quality experience with html,css and javascript and preparing to be a MEARN developer.



For my each software it is the most important part as it is directly related to my user expirence which to make my user feel ease and comfort.



My powerful and reliable library to give my projects a proffesion GUI look for a comfortable control.

As we know creating a proffesion applicaiton to top to bottom is not a easy task it requires lots of skills and practice with a proper workflow and direction. So these were some of my skills in which i have good hands on experience with years of practice and through these skills i have developed 15+ daily life problem solving application. While i am still brushing my skills with latest framework and new tools that are trending nowadays.

Tools need?

Have a intrest in building new and creative software through my skills and experience , and currently learning more new tools to give my application more allegiant look.



After learning a new skill it time for me to apply it in real world. By a positive mindset and my hardwork i have created so many software that i still use in my daily life to just get out of the loop to do the same task again and again every day.
some of these projects are listed below.

depiction-channel-image depiction-home-image depiction-log-image



#1 Depiction

Depiction LOGO

TechStack : Android Studio,Firebase Runtime/Storage,Google Apis

Depiction is a application build for the users who love to customise there device screen with their loved themes.

This depiction app gives you the access to more than 200+ high resolution wallpapers where as more will be added soon that can be used as wallpaper for your device for free. after one-click sign in through google account which is secured with google security you have the access to upload photos that can be accesed by diffrent user using this app.

#2 Deskface

Deskface LOGO

TechStack : Python , OS libs, CanvasTkinter

Deskface is a software that is use to customize Desktop wallpaper for Mac and Windows

We can add title and caption into our selected wallpaper (alredy Installed/Imported) and can also add logo with a live preview in Deskface with all font,color and size option in Deskface










#3 Bmax


TechStack : Android Studio,Java,Covid Api,tkinter,pytohn,threading,PIL libs

Bmax is a program based on python which is a free and cross platform language. Bmax is created to advice and guide people on ailments by utilising data stored on the database and to provide basic medications as well as other kinds of remedies to prevent the disease. A search button linked to the database as well as Wikipedia’s website provides a clear insight on any disease that exists....

The database advices people basic medications, execises and even home remedies for a speedy recovery. These things will not only prevent people from taking any wrong steps due to panic but also would be able to kill major issues in grass root level. It will also reduce peoples neglegency towards minor issues that can result in major problems in the future. Bmax gives you a daily healthy routine with recommended diet. From healthy carbohydrate rich breakfast to exercises for your body bmax covers them all aswell as detailed and custom exercises dedicated for every part of the body individually.

Bmax also keeps an eagle eye on the ongoing testings, cases, recoveries and unfortunate deaths around the globe due to the covid pandemic.


  • It provoids live covid updates
  • Tells you exercise on daily basis according to provied data
  • You can also search for any desease and get the cure
  • keeps record of all your data with proper dates

#4 Assignmento

Assignmento LOGO

TechStack : Python3,tkinter,pydoc lib,PIL lib

Assignmento is a python3 software that aims to create coding assignment easily by managing it in ms word files (.docx) in just few seconds

Just by some simple steps can convert written code into graphics and integrate it with docs.







#5 Stock-Eye

Eyestock LOGO

TechStack : python3,yahoo Api,tkinter,threading,multiprocess lib

Eye stocks is a software which helps a users to manage or to Perceiving purchased stock in stock market
Eye stock helps you to manage your stock with a gui developed in python using tkinter and yfinance module.

Note: Some of the projects may be under work so been removed from here for some time.

More projects will be uploaded soon...

Not just this much there are more projects that are uploaded on my github


Achievements are the desires that we love to have for. They are our those goals we struggle to achieve.
Below are some of my achievements.
